How to Avoid the Post Holiday Blues

Holiday Excitement and Commotion

The holidays are buzzing. It feels like we just polished off the last bit of Thanksgiving stuffing from the leftovers plate, and now we are thinking about Christmas lists. All of this excitement and commotion…but how do we avoid the post-holiday blues? We know all of the fun is coming to an end after New Year’s Day.

Make Your Plans So You Can Avoid The Blues

Create a plan for your next few months so that you don’t feel like everything is coming to a screeching halt. Over the years, there have been some things that we have done as a family that has worked for us to steer away from the post-holiday blues. Maybe some of these will work for you.

  • Buy an after holiday small gift for each of your family members. You can get some great deals after the holidays are over. Set aside an evening and do a post-holiday gift exchange.
  • Shop the after Christmas sales online! There are so many deals that it almost turns into a game. Maybe its time to get those new decorations this year…it will be fun to pull them out next season and have a fresh new look in your home.
  • Plan, plan, and plan. Have a short weekend getaway planned for a couple of months out, so that you have a little trip to look forward to. If a couple of nights isn’t in the budget, do overnight or a day trip. Have an agenda where you have some new spots to discover and visit.


  • Set up a dinner date. It’s always fun to go out and dress up a little! It keeps your mood up and sometimes it’s nice to connect with others after all of the holiday get-togethers are over when life settles down a bit.
  • Chart out new restaurants and small businesses to discover! Get out into the community and connect with what is happening right around you.
  • If possible plan a family trip. The longer out you plan, the better the deals will be. You can avoid the post-holiday blues by planning for the next holiday!


  • Buy a pretty journal. There are so many styles available, even ones that you can customize and have fun with by adding stickers and quotes. Journaling has become very popular, and for good reason. The ability to express our feelings and thoughts in written form is very cathartic. You can even include a vision board. It is a great way to set goals and keep track of what you want to accomplish in the coming year.
  • Make a gratitude box. It may sound silly, but trust me sometimes we need an “in your face” reminder of what we should be grateful for in our lives. Re-purpose an old gift box or even a mason jar and have a small note pad nearby. Make a habit to fill out a paper each morning with what you are grateful for…it will set up your day for positive thinking.

What are some things that you do to avoid the post-holiday blues? Please share!

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