This weekend, I had an epiphany. Well, actually my mom had an epiphany… But she passed it onto me…So I’m taking credit for it..
Why, every Halloween, do we spend a small fortune on costumes for our children that they will wear once (maybe twice if you do a Zoo Boo or something like that)?
Every Halloween I tell myself I’m going to be one of those mothers who comes up with an amazing and creative idea for my children’s costumes.. With stuff I can find around the house.
Every year, I fail…
And, every year, I end up at a Party City or a Spirit Halloween superstore…hypnotized by row after row of overpriced plastic-y costumes.
How in the world do they justify charging $40 on these lame outfits??
Last year, my son dressed up as Ghostface – $40 dollars.
My older daughter was Supergirl – $37
And my newborn was Cinderella – $34

That’s one unhappy Cinderella – She must know how much the dress cost.
In all fairness, I probably got my money’s worth out of the Ghostface costume. My son will put it on at least once a month to scare the crap out of his sisters.
But poor Supergirl and Cinderella stayed in the closet for months before I finally got rid of them.
But this year is different.
My mom’s epiphany came when she saw a picture of my daughter who was flower girl in a wedding this weekend..
She wore the most gorgeous white, frilly dress.
Perfect for a princess.. or a fairy!

Yup.. Perfect princess dress!
Now, all I have to do is pick up some fairy wings… or perhaps a tiara.. and BOOM.. Halloween costume done!
And, I can easily pick up those accessories at Goodwill or a consignment shop.
I work at Fox 13. Every year, we have Goodwill come on our morning show to talk about the huge amount of costumes they sell at their stores. And these costumes are in awesome shape.
Think about it.. What did I do with the Supergirl and Cinderella costumes that my daughters wore once?
I took them to Goodwill.
So.. What cost me $71 last year — Will cost some smart parent about $22 this year.

Granted, you probably will not find the trendiest costumes at Goodwill. If your daughter has her heart set on being Princess Elsa… or your son is dying to be a Ninja Turtle… You’re probably out of luck.
But, fortunately for me, my son enjoys being unique and scary.
And my other daughter is 1 – so she gets zero say in the matter..
Halloween is one day out of the year… I spend a fortune on house decorations and candy.
I refuse to continue to pay a fortune for costumes – When there is a brilliant alternative.

One more picture of my gorgeous daughter in her new Halloween costume! Just because she’s beautiful!
Thank you mom for the epiphany.
My wallet thanks you, too!