Mamarazzi: Creative Photo Storage Ideas

I don’t know about you but, I follow way too many blogs and love spending too much time on Pinterest. I am constantly seeing such innovative and fun ways to make memory keepsakes unique and creative. My mind goes into inspiration overload and then I can’t decide what I plan on doing with the 1000s of photos I took of Benji. Every day it is something new, but I have found a couple of neat tools and ideas that I would love to share!

Online storage:

photo (1)Have you ever had a computer crash or get the black screen of death? How many photos and videos did you lose? It has, unfortunately, happened to me more than once. A great option is buying an external hard drive and being diligent on backing up your files. For me, I needed something easier and time efficient. I researched online storage and found Dropbox to be the most user and price friendly option. I even met someone who does not consider herself to be tech savvy and she says the Dropbox app on her phone is a life saver. I love that I can access any of my files from anywhere! I don’t have to worry about losing any of the precious mementos I have collected over the years and also worry about having enough space!

Instagram photo books:


I discovered Persnickety Prints, premium archival printing, through one of my favorite blogs The House of Smiths. At this time Benji was 6 months old and I had enough photos to start some mini albums.

They introduced the most perfect product and I sat there thinking it was made just for me. It is called the Instabook, softbound cover 5×5 only for $12.99! I loved the easy-peasy process of uploading my photos then fell in love even more with the quality! This is a must have for my fellow Instagrammer mamas.

Project Life:

Another House of Smiths discovery was this amazing way to scrapbook. We are all so incredibly stretched out all day with obligations, errands, appointments that when it comes to sitting down and working on our homemade photo books we get frustrated with the details. This system is the best because it takes out those painstaking moments where you want your scrapbook page to look organized and beautifully decorated, but don’t know how to even begin. Here are some examples of the gorgeous page layouts that have inspired me to start this project!


From Left to Right: Simple As That BlogOne Happy Mama BlogEmily Ley.

I hope you have enjoyed the Mamarazzi series as much as I have enjoyed writing it! Please do not hesitate to contact me through the comments below or via any of my social media links. You learned the basics, more about Instagram, photo design apps & now the best ways to cherish all your moments.

Happy Graduation Day, class!

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