Don’t Give Up Conquered Ground

If one more person says, “just stick to a schedule!”, I’m going to scream. We get it. This is wild, and scary, and different than anything we’ve ever experienced before. We’re all just trying to figure things out. Stay healthy. Take care of our families. Flatten the curve and teach our children. Work, and stay sane, and its all impossible.  Except for that one Instagram account we follow and that mom in our mom’s group that seems to somehow have been built for the end times and overly-qualified to dream up elaborate crafts while posting bible verses three times a day. They don’t count). Week one and two I did okay. Week three I started to crack. But, through it all, one phrase casually uttered by a friend weeks before all of this started has made all of the difference: “Don’t give up conquered ground.”

Don't give up conquered ground - Mountain

Don’t Give Up Conquered Ground

Now, I could list all of the tools my family is using to keep the peace. But, I feel like everyone has heard those about a million times already. But, there is a perspective that I feel is worth passing on:

A few weeks ago, I was added to a Marco Polo group chat of about a dozen friends across the country. (Side note, if you don’t have the app, it’s a great way to connect, and you should get it). We discussed how we were all faring, and feeling, and one day I posed a question: What is something that you’ve learned, conquered, started doing, or a skill PRE-Corona that you’re proud of, and can keep focusing on during the next few months? Basically, what is some ground you’ve conquered, and can still plant your flag in each day? I LOVED the answers.

Don't give up conquered ground - mama

Stake your claim, and don’t back down

From getting serious about composting and audio books, to creating elaborate terrarium ecosystems and day-trading on the stock market, these mamas were killin’ it! One got a new job she loved. Another, was reducing her family’s carbon footprint like a boss. And another was completing challenging workouts with two littles daily, and hadn’t let any lockdown slow her progress. Someone was researching a dog to add to their family.  Another was learning to use power tools and build things for her home. And another shared that she was using her sewing skills to give back. Each person’s answer was given with a bright face, fun details, and was SO very encouraging to hear.

So much is going on in our home and minds and hearts. I know great things can come of these intense weeks and months. But, tending the flame of the bigger picture – your personal goals and triumphs – has a ton of value in the tough moments.

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Even in the midst of all that is going on, don’t give up conquered ground. Your progress trajectory might change. You might have to adapt. But, there is so much beauty and interest and potential in these days. Fight for it, dig deep, and you might be surprised what you’re proud of on the other side.

What is some ground that you have conquered, and how are you holding on to it during challenging times?

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