Hi Tampa Bay Moms! I am sure you are asking yourself, what is “Mathiness”? With a Bachelors degree in Math and Masters in Statistics, I am all about Math Happiness and helping kids enjoy learning math. I’ve had many “careers” but my favorite was as a stay-at-home mom to my teen, Aaron, and tween, Felicia.
Originally from New Jersey, I am certified to teach secondary mathematics there but chose to have a career at AT&T after three summer internships. My husband and I met my freshman year in college, dated in college, dated while he was in medical school and got married during residency. After living one year in Oklahoma City during his fellowship, we moved to Tampa pregnant with Aaron and love every minute of it.

As my children began school, I was active in volunteer work but wanted to get back to my passion of helping children learn math through fun educational experiences. After watching my very active and gifted children sit on the couch watching too much TV, I was inspired to develop the award-winning Exploracise® products and programs to help children enjoy learning through our Fun Wise Exercise methodology. As the founder of Exploracise®, it is definitely how I spend a lot of my time. I am so passionate about developing new resources for families, educators and professionals to help kids develop a love of learning and healthy lifestyle. You may see me introducing Exploracise to kids at events around the community including school visits and Family Fun Days. Follow Fun Wise Ms Carrie on Facebook and Twitter and even invite me to your next community event. Learn more about my passion at www.exploracise.com.

Now living in Tampa almost fifteen years and no shoveling snow, I am so excited to share and be part of the Tampa Bay Mom Blog community. With older children, I hope to provide tips and ideas on how to survive the tween years and my new experiences with a teen. There is so much to do in Tampa Bay for all ages and stages so I look forward to laughing and learning more about this great city together.