Summer is a time for relaxation and exploration. Kids can get outdoors and play. For budding scientists, future game designers and math enthusiasts, there are many fun summer programs to nurture these passions. Even though summer is many months away, some camps are already taking registrations.
Do you have a future Einstein, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison or Sallie Ride? There are many great programs to keep them learning and fuel their passion over the summer.
Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa – MOSI
Camps start as early as pre-school age and go all the way up to high school including residential academies and field experiences. Both of my children have enjoyed camps at MOSI since age four and still attend though their tween/teen years. This may be the first year that my son can even be a junior counselor, which is so exciting to see his passion of science come full circle to encouraging the little ones.
ID Tech
This organization offers camps all around the country at different colleges starting at age 6. These camps are serious techy with programming, game design, robotics, digital photography and more. Camps are offered as day camps or residential for kids age 10 or older. Locally, several camps are offered at USF. But why not make a trip out of it and let your teenager enjoy visiting a new area or maybe even check out a college they may want to attend? Camps are just one week so it is a great intro to the sleep away experience for such a short time. My son had fun week at grandma’s house last year while taking the robotics camp at UNC. This year sleep away and game design.
Engineering Minds

Bringing tech camps to a new level is Engineering Minds founded by Dr. Stephan Athan. Dr. Athan combines hand-on-learning with the teachings of engineers from all fields. His passion to share the love of engineering for two incredible weeks is a fabulous opportunity for students who are considering this field as their career. Children as young as age 10 through teens experience all facets of the design process by working through projects. Fun learning through problem solving, teamwork and innovation makes this experience challenging even for the most creative kids. The sky is the limit in this unique educational program.
Robotics at Tampa Prep
Bring learning to life by building your own robot. Robotics is a growing field so let your kids get fun hands on experience from an early age. Camps start as early as age 6, Engineering at age 8 and VEX robotics for age 9 and up. Kids hardly realize they are learning scientific principles when they are “playing” with robots all day.
Summer is great opportunity to expand your children’s experiences beyond what they can receive in the classroom during the school year. Encourage them to try new things and continue learning over the summer. If they love math and science then one of these camps may be a great fit for them. Start planning early before your favorite gets filled.
We are already mapping out our summer schedule with many of these camps included.