Packing a school lunch for a picky eater can be a challenge, but here are some ideas to help you pack a well-balanced school lunch (for even the pickiest eater)!
Soon moms will wake up and wander into the kitchen, to stare at an open lunch box and a full pantry. The lunch box taunts them as if to say… Do you really think they will eat the school lunch that you’re trying to pack? I’m the mom who originally set out to pack the cute Pinterest-worthy school lunch, but failed miserably. Last school year, I settled on the much easier prepacked Oscar Myer option. Still, the crackers and cheese were untouched or thrown away completely. This year, I’ve decided to do my research and learn how to pack a well-balanced meal that even the pickiest eater will like!

Who is to Blame?
My husband gave me three of the pickiest eaters on the planet. I blame him for handing down his extensive list of things he won’t eat to them. Its been a long feat, but with my oldest finally braving new foods and my middle obsessed with salads, I turn my attention to my youngest and most picky eater. While it is an accomplishment to FINALLY get him to eat chicken and yogurt, I wouldn’t exactly call his meals “well-balanced.” He snacks most days, living on fruit gummies, dry cereal, and chips.
As he begins his first year of preschool, I find myself in a predicament: Do I pack a bunch of unhealthy snacks that I KNOW he will eat or do I pack a healthy meal that I am fairly certain he won’t touch? In other words, I want to send him a well-balanced school lunch AND I want him to eat during the day! If you are faced with the same dilemma (thanks to your own picky eater), I’ll share some tips for packing a well-balanced school lunch that I’m going to try!
Lunch Box Ideas
Let’s start with the lunch box, itself. Pinterest has some clever ideas. My picky eater doesn’t like for his food to touch so the idea that seems to make the most sense to me, is the Bento-style box. This is a lunch box style container that has dividers. The Yumbox seems to be a popular choice but if it’s out of your price range, you can make your own using a Rubbermaid container and silicone cupcake liners.
Now, that we have a container, let’s get to the most important part- what’s going in it!
Because it’s important to me that my child eventually learn how to each a well-balanced meal, I do plan on packing food from all the food groups in a colorful meal plan that includes a main meal, sides, snack, and treat. The idea here is to pick at one main meal item, one or two sides, and one snack OR treat. I’ve based this list on my oldest two children in hopes, that maybe, eventually, amid his peers, my youngest will feel inspired enough to try it!
Main Meal
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets
Deli meat rolled up
Grilled Cheese sandwich
Mac N Cheese
DIY Lunchables
Cocktail Weiners
Mini Pizza
Breakfast casserole
Waffle/ Pancake/ Muffin
Apple Sauce
Apple Slices
Baby Carrots (with ranch)
Celery (with ranch)
Corn on the Cob
Green Beans
Fruit Cup
Cherry Tomatoes
Mandarin Oranges
Pepper Slices
Side Salad
Sweet Potatoes
Pineapple Slices
Hard-Boiled Egg
Veggie Straws
Cheese Stick
Cubed Cheese
Trail Mix
Goldfish Crackers
Granola Bar
Fruit Gummies
Fruit Roll-Up
Rice Crispy Treat
M & M’s
Teddy Grahams
Here are some other helpful hints I’ve discovered over my last 6 years of packing lunches:
- Some supplies to keep on hand: ice packs, Ziploc bags in sandwich and snack sizes, and cupcake liners.
- Use all size cookie cutters to cut bread, veggies, and melons into fun shapes.
- Buy disposable or reusable containers with lids for dressing and sauces.
- Keep snack stations in your pantry and fridge so that the kids can pack their own lunches.
- Plan and prep lunch on the weekends. There are many things that you can make ahead of time.
- Instead of trying to make sure every food group is accounted for, try packing a colorful rainbow meal.
- Have your child help pack their lunch, choosing their own meal, sides, snacks, and treat.
- Pack lunch while you prep dinner. Cut up extra veggies and save those leftovers.
- On special days, do a themed lunch.
- Leave a little note or joke every once in a while as a fun surprise for your kid.
- Always make sure the kids clean out their lunchboxes when they come in the door and put them away.