15 “Other” Ways to Use Diaper Rash Cream

Lots of my mom friends seem really adept at the “free sample.”  They get samples of snacks, medicine, diapers, shampoo, you name it! Me? Not so much.  There is only one product I ever seem to get free samples of—and I get it in bulk—diaper cream!

I’ve got butt paste, balm, cream, salve, and ointments.  But what can you do with all of it?  I hate being a waster and throwing it all away…

Here’s a few ideas on how you can use those diaper cream samples (or plethora of tubes you got at your baby shower).

  • Put a sample in a “Congratulations, you’re expecting” card.
  • Put one in your purse, your diaper bag, your desk drawer, your glove compartment.
  • Give them out next Halloween.

Beyond that, you CAN actually use diaper cream for more than just diaper rash:

  1. Diaper cream works like a charm on razor burn—especially in the bikini area.
  2. Works wonders on ingrown hair
  3. Can de-flame a pimple over night.
  4. The kind containing zinc oxide can double as sunscreen, in a pinch.
  5. Gets rid of puffiness under the eyes.
  6. Works great on wrinkles in delicate areas by providing lots of moisture.
  7. Relief for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin rashes.
  8. Works on chapped lips.
  9. I love using it in areas of chafing (especially during the hot FL summer) like thighs or under breasts.
  10. Reduces acne and moisturizes skin.
  11. Serves as protection for cuts and scrapes, especially if they are going to get wet (like before a dip in the pool).
  12. Use it to prevent clammy hands (especially if you are prone to nervous sweating).
  13. Use it to prevent underarm sweat if you forgot your deodorant–and it helps to moisturize and reduce scaly skin build up.
  14. Put diaper cream on your feet to prevent foot sweat and odor (massage it in and then use a dry cloth to remove residue).
  15. Smooth a dollop over nicks, gashes, or pinholes in the wall before painting.

Don’t take my word for it.  Here’s a clip from the show, The Dr’s, who back up uses for other areas on the body:


Check out this video for some “how-to” advice on these extra uses and the wall fixer-upper.

Diaper cream samples are good to have around the house, after all!!  Have you discovered any additional uses?   I’d love to hear it.

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