I’ve been hearing some people say that in lieu of an actual list of specific resolutions, they have mindset resolutions.
I really liked this positive twist on the old practice. I also thought it would be a great thing for kids to focus on. The following are 7 mindset resolutions that will help your kids focus on positive behaviors in 2020 and beyond.
1. Be Kind
This one seems like a no-brainer, but sadly enough, it’s not. I really try to remind my kids how crummy it feels to be left out or made fun of. I want them to always be on the lookout for someone sitting or playing alone. Their elementary school even offers a kindness club that does random acts of kindness for people. Such a simple thing to teach at a young age with a lasting impact.
2. Be Respectful
I’ve really tried to instill in my kids the importance of saying “please” and “thank you”. I may be old-fashioned, but I’m shocked at the number of kids I’m around who don’t have these words in their vocabulary at all. It’s still a work in progress in our house, for sure. Consistent, gentle reminders seem to work best. I do still occasionally have to send my kids back to the Publix bakery counter to say thank you for the mandatory kids’ cookie. Even if the only part of the cookie that remains are the crumbs on their mouths.
3. Be Together
Commit to regularly doing something as a family. I know this is easier said than done sometimes. Play a game, eat a meal, go on a hike or a bike ride. In our house, we have pizza and watch a movie together every Friday. No matter what else we have going on, we try our best to make this happen regularly.
4. Be Courageous
Having courage can cover many different areas. Courage to ask a peer if they want to play. Asking an adult a question. In these instances, I tell my kids “The answer’s always no if you don’t ask.” Standing up for a friend who isn’t being treated right. Doing the right thing even when it’s hard or when other people aren’t.
5. Have Patience
If I’m being completely honest, this is super hard. No one really wants to have to wait for things. One book with an impactful message of patience in a few words is I’ll Wait, Mr. Panda. We’ve had it for years and still read it for a good reminder.
6. Be Yourself
This is easier for some kids than others. It can be hard for kids (and adults!) to be comfortable enough with themselves to do their own thing. You can read another post I’ve written on a similar topic here.
7. Try Something New
This could be as simple as trying a new food or going to a new park to play. My son is a huge creature of habit and recently decided to try lacrosse for the first time last season. Needless to say, he LOVED it and definitely learned the age-old lesson of “you’ll never know unless you try.”