Author Archives: Tricia Sportsman

Tampa Bay Moms Blog Community + Connection

Hi Moms! You know as well as we do that being a mom is hard work.  It can be isolating, overwhelming and completely exhausting.  In our endless quest to provide the perfect Halloween costume, coordinated outfits, perfectly executed activity drop-off/pick-ups (not to mention avoiding stepping on that stray lego), moms can get lost in the […]

Tales from the Unschoolers: A Day in the Life of an Unschooling Family, Part 1: Morning

It’s ten o’clock in the morning on a Wednesday in the middle of January; a time when children are expected to be in school, sitting upright with pen and paper in hand, having knowledge crammed into their soft, pliable brains. My kids, on the other hand, are still in their PJ’s, laying on the couch […]

Superhero Kids: Siblings of Special Needs Kids

IMG_3932 copy I can’t tell you how many times I wished parenting came with a handbook or quick tips on how to navigate the hard situations. Special needs parenting comes with a totally different handbook with missing pages, different languages and a few hieroglyphics to keep it fun. So, as the parent, you struggle to […]

Summer Reading Tips for Kids

Confession time, have your kids been reading this summer?  Or have they been playing a few video games and watching TV a little more than you’d like to admit?  I’ll be honest, my kids are pretty balanced this summer.  While I’ve been a little more relaxed on screen time and bedtime, they have been spotted with […]

Summer Reading Programs that Will Get Your Kid to Read

I have two daughters. One daughter loves to read. She can read for hours and never get bored. She takes after her mom. I have to beg my other daughter to read. Much like her dad, she just doesn’t seem interested in reading.  Summer Reading Programs were started for kids just like her. They encourage […]

A Tampa Bay summer with a toddler? Help!

So I get it, we aren’t the normal situation. Most people with a 3 year old either have daycare established that can continue through the summer months, or have a stay at home component. We don’t. Our son has been asked to leave 2 day cares, one for hitting last October, and one because he […]

Summer Guide: Stress-Free Summer Learning Fun in Tampa Bay

Summer is upon us, and I haven’t prepared a thing!!  This will be my first experience with a child out of school for the summer. Last year, the months flew by with little change in our routine.  This year, I’ll admit, I have gotten used to having one in school and only ONE at home while I work. […]