Three Easy, Cheap and Practical Christmas Gift Ideas

Making a list and checking it twice can be both challenging and expensive during Christmas time. In an effort to save money and be able to give a token of appreciation to extended family, friends and work colleagues I found myself planning Christmas gifts a year in advance and looking at practical Christmas gift ideas.   […]

Things to do in Tampa for 4th of July

TBM’s guide to patriotic parties all across the bay This Monday, fireworks, barbeques, and sticky, sugary, blue and red covered kids will be popping up across the country. This circus of patriotism and community gathering marks the next celebration of our country’s independence. If you’re still looking for a way to celebrate, look no further! […]

How to Do the Big Purge Before the Presents

It’s the holiday season and my 3-year old and 9 month-old sons are bound to get tons of presents from generous family members and friends. After all, it’s so fun to pick out toys and books for little ones. We are very fortunate to have such thoughtful people in our lives who take the time […]

St. Patrick’s Day Food Traditions and New Favorites

In honor of my heritage and our national holiday, I thought I’d share a few St. Patrick’s Day food recipes that my family has made almost every year since I was a kid. I also shared some Irish recipes that I make all year long and even an adults-only dessert that is amazing! If you’re looking […]

Shop Tampa Bay 2015 :: A Local Holiday Gift Guide {Kids}

We can’t forget about some of the most special people in your life…our kids! To complete our Shop Tampa Bay Local Gift Guide, we are featuring some great local businesses that offer some unique and special gifts for your kids (and others, too!). Get ready to find the perfect gift this holiday season! As part of our […]