Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

5 Simple Ways to Nurture Your Creative Self: Ideas and Tips to Get You Inspired

Nurturing your creative self is like exercise for your brain.  I’ve always considered myself a pretty crafty and creative person.  I mean, not in the sense that I can paint or draw (because I can’t), but I have always loved opportunities to let my creativity shine.  In a past life, I was a die hard […]

Learning and Living with Autism: Confessions of An Autism Mom

Two years ago my son was diagnosed with Autism. Unlike most moms, I was happy that we were getting a diagnosis. He struggled for a couple of years in preschool and had the worse Kindergarten year.  Prior to the diagnosis, we received a ton of brushing off and disbelief that my ‘normal’ looking son could possibly be Autistic. […]

Learning and Living with Autism: Confessions of An Autism Mom

Six years ago, my little family and I planned to visit Tampa for the first time on our 2012 Spring Break. My daughters were three years and five months old. We spent the week visiting kid-friendly attractions, eating at great restaurants, and checking out some hot spots around Tampa Bay. We never expected that in just a few […]