Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

Inspirational Mom: Andrea, a Story of Courage

In our latest edition featuring inspirational moms in the Tampa Bay Area, we meet up with Andrea, a mother who has dealt with a challenge no mom ever wants to face. We thank her and her family for sharing their story with us. Andrea’s Story… I am the mother of two beautiful children, Madyson, age […]

Trophies, Allowances and Bribes… oh my!

With all this talk about participation trophies and awards ceremonies, it has me thinking about allowances, rewards and even bribes for everything from chores to grades to sports. And from the conversations, I’ve had with other moms… it’s a polarizing topic. Incentivizing our kids, is it good/bad/necessary? Parents are all over the map. Some view […]

Important Life Skills: Practical Subjects to Consider

Getting Straight A´s does not guarantee your child success, happiness, or to live to their potential. Well, I guess that depends on your definition of success. Yes, the task of getting good grades helps to establish good work ethics, good habits, and positive self-efficacy. For many of us, however, we want our children to live […]

How To Celebrate Women’s History Month with Your Kids

As a group of 30 women in Tampa Bay, we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge Women’s History Month. This month focuses on celebrating the trailblazing women who have impacted our history and inspire us. So, here’s a little background, education, and celebration highlighting Women’s History Month. Background According to the National Women’s History Alliance, […]

How My Daughter’s Love of the Imperfect Has Helped Me with My Desire for Perfection

I’ve always been what some may call particular. I like things in a certain way. My aunt says I was the only child she’d ever seen who would throw the paper away and start over if any coloring went outside of the lines. Unfortunately, that last sentence is a pretty accurate summary of my childhood. […]

How I Found Freedom by Putting My Phone Down

As moms, we want our kids to spend less time on electronics. We want them to focus on school, friendships, and develop their talents instead of mindlessly scrolling social media, watching YouTube, and playing video games. We encourage them to read or to go outside and play. But… what happens when you aren’t practicing what […]

Homemade Marshmallows

It’s that time of year again where pumpkin spiced everything hits the shelves and overtakes the fall season. One of my favorite things to make this time of year are marshmallows, from scratch. Making something like marshmallows may sound intimidating, but as long as you have a candy thermometer and some patience, you will reap […]

The Ultimate Holiday Shoppers Guide to Small Business Saturday

Choosing to Shop Local As the holiday season quickly approaches, many holiday shoppers in the Tampa Bay area are already making plans to either start shopping on Thanksgiving day or stay up all night for the deep discounts on Black Friday. I appreciate a good deal, but there’s no way I’m going to fight crowds […]