Category Archives: Special Needs

It’s Autism Acceptance Month – A Few Interesting Facts!

By now, unless you are hiding under a cool, shaded rock, you probably already know that April is Autism Awareness Acceptance Month. And you may already know that Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the United States. But did you know it is also the most underfunded? I have three daughters that are on the Autism […]

As You Are: Virtual Autism Screenings

We knew she was different. We know our daughter is awesome, quirky, unique, creative and beautiful. Others could see it too. Even at a couple of months old, we would hear, “She’s so alert!”  She doesn’t miss a thing! She’s so open and  friendly!”  Many of her concerning ‘behaviors’ were observable at home at that […]

7 Fun Sensory Activities For Toddlers

Have you more than ever, needed sensory fun and educational activities to keep your toddler busy? I know the feeling all too well! Having a toddler who won’t sit still, is definitely challenging to say the least. At 12:00 am, I am on my phone searching for fun sensory activities for my little one to […]

I Am A Horrible Parent – Just Ask My Toddler

Today started off normal enough – breakfast, feeding horses with my toddler, and watching the new Disney princess. Then we went to have some blood work done. Well, you would think it would be the actual blood drawing process that wiped us out, but no – it was the 45-minute wait with a toddler having […]