Why You Should Jump At The Chance For A Mother-Daughter Getaway

It was a sunny spring day.  The salty, humid air was buzzing with the excitement and anticipation of thousands of vacationers boarding a giant cruise ship. About to embark upon four days of fun and relaxation, I found two seats at the bar and ordered some champagne. 

“Cheers,” I said, as my mom and I clinked glasses beginning our important annual tradition: The Mother-Daughter getaway. As the horn sounded, we sailed off to adventures in Mexico.

The Gift of Time Spent

One of the most important gifts one can give is of yourself and your time. I believe it is better than any flowers or trinkets one can receive. Your time is heartfelt and in our busy lives, we don’t often have a lot to give for free. Beginning the Mother-Daughter getaway tradition was a chance to pause from our busy lives and a reminder of the importance of building that relationship. 

For me, it all began a few years ago as my Mom neared a special milestone birthday. What do you get for a mom who has no Amazon wishlist? Someone who prefers to do for others versus being pampered? I stressed as I tried to find an extra special gift. Then it dawned on me. Mom could really use a vacation. Why didn’t I take her on one?

And a tradition was born

I researched vacations that offered lots of entertainment options and selected a cruise. It offered a variety of choices to keep us entertained and engaged. I was certain she would love what I chose for this unexpected adventure. As she is a friend and confidant, it was difficult to not spoil the surprise. 

On her birthday, I told her we needed to Skype (she lives in New York and I am in Florida). I emailed her a poem I wrote and at the end of it shared my vacation plan. I won’t soon forget the look on her face of shock and elation.

Spending four days alone on neutral territory, not in my home or hers, I saw a whole new side of my mom. Even though I have known her my whole life (clearly), I learned even more about the woman who raised me giving us new topics to chat about.

I helped her find a taste for white wine and learned she really loved escargot. We lost money in the slot machines and laughed each night at the comedy shows. I saw my Mom leave all her worries onshore and relax, basking in the sunshine (well, more like hiding under a shady umbrella).

Together we shared in new experiences such as touring Mayan Ruins and visiting Key West for the first time. We disconnected from our busy lives, further grew our bond, and made memories that will last forever. 

A Gift of Memories

As Mother’s Day nears, I am already contemplating what ship we could choose for our next adventure, our fourth annual trip. 

The gift of any Mother-Daughter getaway, whether you are able to plan a long getaway, a quick weekend trip or even just an afternoon of quality time and conversation is an invaluable and easily cherished gift opportunity idea. The benefits of investing this time in the Mother-Daughter relationship are intangible. 

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