Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break

Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas BreakFive Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break

Its that time of year again….its Christmas time and your kids are out of school for at least two weeks. Whether you’re lucky enough to have these two weeks off of work with them or not, you still need to keep your kiddos entertained. Here are five things you can do to entertain your kids on Christmas break.

Take Day Trips

Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break - Day Trips

If you have a little cash flow, a day or weekend trip is the perfect thing you need to help pass the time. During the Christmas holiday, theme parks and different hotels have transformed their property into a winter wonderland. Check out the different locations here.

Holiday Light Shows

Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break - Holiday Lights

If you’re looking to bring your kiddos some Christmas magic, take them to see the various different light shows around town. Throughout your Tampa Bay neighborhoods, botanical gardens and malls, dazzling lights and music creates a Winter Wonderland that will wow your kids. Most of the holiday light shows are free are at low entry cost. Find your nearest holiday light show here.

Holiday Arts and Crafts

Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break - Holiday Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts is a great way to spend time with your kids during their break. Kids love to color, paint, and draw. You can purchase craft supplies at your nearest Michael’s , Hobby Lobby or Dollar Tree. For deals go on their website and download their weekly coupons! Check out some arts and crafts projects here.

Bake and Cook Together

Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break - Holiday Baking

Holiday baking is a fun way to bring holiday cheer to your home. Bring out some of your favorite recipe and let your kiddos be your assistant. Bake enough to share with your favorite neighbors! Find a few holiday recipe here.


Five Things You Can Do To Entertain Your Kids on Christmas Break - Holiday Volunteering

During the holidays, there are many different volunteer opportunities available. Some volunteer opportunities include collecting warm clothing and blanket to hand out, serving in a soup kitchen, collecting toys for tots and many more. Connect with your local church or community programs to see what different volunteer opportunities are available.  Check out some other volunteer opportunities here.

What are some things that you do to keep your kiddos entertained during their holiday break? Comment below and share your ideas!

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