Is Oil Pulling just Pulling my Leg?

Who hasn’t tried this craze yet? Apparently a lot, it’s all I hear in the health markets and which celebrities have already been doing this for years. I feel like everyone knows about oil pulling by now, if not where have you been?? I first learned of this through a friend who tried it and then a few days later everyone was talking about it because it was featured on a Dr. Oz episode so the whispers circulated wondering if it really works and if it’s worth trying. Either way, I’m part of the band now and have been for the past two months. I have to say, it’s not bad or inconvenient at all! It’s nothing new (it’s an ancient oral health remedy and detoxification) so there’s a lot of research and articles out there on the internet to explain the science and origin. This information is only my opinion and what I’ve researched so don’t hold me to the real science!

The Gist:

Oil Pulling pulls the toxins out of your gums and we all know how important our gums can be for our whole body. The teeth whitening is an extra benefit because you’re ‘cleaning’ your gums. If you have kids and they’ve perfected using mouthwash, this would be a great natural replacement for them to try and build healthy oral habits!

The Basic Rules:

1. Use an organic vegetable based oil: I use coconut oil because it tastes better and is full of antioxidants, but you have to make sure it’s organic, cold-pressed, unfiltered and extra virgin. I’ve been using the brand Kelapo, and you can find it at Whole Foods. Sesame oil is another good one, but I’ve read it doesn’t taste as good.


2. Use 1 tablespoon, this seems like a lot to the eye when you first see it, so work your way up from 1 teaspoon.

2. Swish for at least 20 minutes to get the full benefits. It sounds like a long time, but trust me, it really isn’t! It’s also best to do this first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth, if you can. The perfect times to swish for me is in the morning when I’m getting ready or doing something that’s occupying my time other than waiting for the 20 minutes to be over. I actually end up swishing for 30 minutes sometimes because I get distracted and stop actually swishing and before I know it my 20 minutes is up.

3. Don’t swallow! The idea of this natural body cleanse is to get rid of your toxins, not swallow them back into your body. Since these toxins are so strong they can ruin the pipes in your home just like meat grease so try and avoid your sink or shower. You can be diligent and use a plastic baggy to discard in the trash, but I like to class it up and spit in the toilet or the backyard.

4. Rinse with water and Brush! Oil pulling isn’t a substitute for brushing, but it can be a substitute for mouthwash.

The Results

Your mouth feels so clean! You may not see the toxins, but in the long run your gums will thank you!

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