I think that there are two types of people in this world. Those that go all out on Halloween, from decor to multiple costumes, and those like myself who cringe at the thought of a $40 Elsa costume and literally wait until the last minute to throw something together. Last year, the handmade Cabbage Patch wig & dress for my daughter went out the window at the 11th hour and she ended up as a spider witch, my son a tiger. This year, I’m hoping for a joint venture. Here’s my list of costume ideas for siblings or friends, please note I’ve avoided most of the “obvious” Disney characters!

- PB & J (either the real thing or simple 3 letters)
- A to Z
- Princess & The Pea (or just a “P”)
- Ninja Turtles
- Superheros
- Golfer & Caddy
- Triathlon (Runner, Biker & Swimmer)
- 3 Blind Mice
- Player & Ref
- Player & Ball (brown shirt with white athletic tape makes a quick football)
- Bow & Tie
- Pirates
- Cat & Mouse
- Delivery Man & Package
- Jersey Boys
- Bunch of Grapes
- Firefighter & Flame
- Bacon & Eggs
- Runners (workout gear, bibs, medals)
- Cake & Ice Cream
- Dog & Bone
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Cowboys
- Farmer & Crops
- Burger & Fries
- Milk & Cookies
- Fisherman & Fish
- Caterpillar & Butterfly
- Pacman & Ghost
- Smores Ingredients
- Stork & Baby
- Chef & Cookbook
- Mary & Little Lamb
- Jack & Jill
- Stop & One Way Signs (my kids are currently obsessed with STOP signs)
- Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light
- Tall, Grande & Venti Starbucks
- Noah & Animals
- Exterminator & Bugs
- Tattoo & Artist
- Piggy & Bank
- Photographer & Model
- Birthday Party (party hats & noisemakers)
- Irish Twins
- Hula Girls
- Peas In A Pod
- Moon & Stars
- Stars & Stripes
- Surfer & Lifeguard (red tape on white tank, whistle, zinc nose)
- # & @ sign (social media mammas)
Have your kids cooperated in a paired costume? I’d love to hear your great ideas!