Nonprofit Spotlight: The Junior League of Tampa

It is rare and wonderful to find a group of like-minded people dedicated to supporting their community, one another, and continuous personal growth. When I moved to the Tampa area three years ago, I was fortunate to find just such an organization – one that has taken me to museums and food banks, taught me about self-defense and preventing child endangerment, put me on a boat racing over the Hillsborough River, and in an after-school program teaching young people about nutrition and cooking skills – that group is the Junior League of Tampa.

Junior League of Tampa race

The Junior League of Tampa

The Junior League of Tampa (JLT) was founded in 1926. It is now one of the largest League chapters in the country. JLT with nearly 2,000 members provides more than 60,000 volunteer hours annually. It has a strong focus on issues and initiatives that impact women, children, and families. JLT also focuses on the continuous development of its membership. JLT invested more than $1.2 million into the Tampa community in 2019 alone.

Junior League of Tampa KITK

Also last year, JTL distributed more than 100,000 diapers through its Diaper Bank initiative. Through the 14,000 books were placed in the hands of local children through the Mobile Interactive Literacy Opportunity (MILO). And 14 families were forever-matched through their adoption assistance programs. Along with human trafficking awareness campaigns, community assistance grants, young women mentorship programs, and many others, the meaningful impact of the Junior League of Tampa is undeniable.

COVID- 19 Response

Another thing that has set JLT apart in recent months is its tremendous response to the COVID-19 crisis. JLT has supported and protected both its members and the important community it serves. The League and its members have gone above and beyond to provide vital front-line volunteers. The League has also worked to celebrate its heroes working to feed and keep our community healthy. JTL has provided critical supplies during a time of unprecedented need, including diapers, backpacks filled with supplies for children experiencing abuse or abandonment.  JTL has supported local teachers and small businesses impacted by shutdowns. The League’s ability to pivot and offer virtual meetings, trainings, and updates has been impressive. The Junior League of Tampa has also provided exemplary support to its members and partners.

Junior League of Tampa Dragon Boat

Learn More

For more information about the Junior League of Tampa, visit Also, consider following our work on Facebook and Instagram.

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