Recently, I was invited to test drive a 2020 Chevrolet Blazer. I jumped at the chance to drive a car with a beautiful, clean interior. I lovingly refer to my current car as a “garbage can on wheels”. Not because the car itself is junky, but because my kids have a habit of mistaking it for that metal can that sits inside my kitchen. Hillsborough County Schools gave the students a day off to attend the Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City. When I told my kids we were not only going to the festival but driving the Blazer, they were very excited!
My kids loved riding in the backseat! This car also has a feature to warn the driver to check the back for young children before exiting. It shows up on the dashboard when shutting off the vehicle. A very important reminder, especially during the many hot months in Florida.
We stayed all afternoon and into the evening at the Strawberry Festival. It was our first time and SO much fun! I’d been hearing for many years about the strawberry shortcake they served. My parents joined us and it took little convincing my dad to try some of the famous shortcakes with me. My kids opted for chocolate-covered strawberries for their treat.

With unlimited ride wristbands, it was hard to convince the kids it was time to leave.
My favorite feature of the 2020 Blazer was the 360-degree overview camera. It was awesome for parking, especially in the busy lot at the Strawberry Festival. I never had to wonder if I was too close to the cars next to me. This would have come in very handy when I was a teenager in driver’s ed learning to parallel park!
The trunk offered a lot of space. It was perfect for transporting all of the delicious strawberries we were bringing home!