A Love Letter to Old Souls

It seems that everyone around us is always looking for the next exciting thing. The next trend, the next app, the next plastic straw alternative – you know. But, there are a few of us out there that live for looking back. Don’t try to impress me with your gadgets. The way to my heart? Black and white movies, antique malls, dusty books, and record players. Don’t get me wrong – I love trying new things. But, yesterday will always have my heart. Here’s looking at you: A love letter to old souls. *

*All examples may or may not be taken from personal experience

Paris in the rain - A love letter to old souls

A Love Letter to Old Souls

I see you, the girl that learned to crochet when she was 10. You made scarves for her whole family. “You’re an 80-year-old in a little girl’s body”. Your mom would say, smiling, as you rocked in a rocking chair, yarn in-hand. You smiled back, and she wore your creations with relish…

You’re fun, the teen that hosted a square dance complete with homemade historically-accurate 19th century costuming, for her sweet 16. You made memories for each and every person there, and a great story to tell at parties…

Tea party - A love letter to old souls

You’re awesome, the girl that loves to read all of the historic markers at local buildings and museums. “Did you know?” is your favorite way to start a conversation. And it’s beautiful that you keep these stories alive. American Girl books might fill your shelves, the movie Swiss Family Robinson is a major inspiration. And, you one day you will be an asset for your trivia team with all of those facts rolling around in your head…

You’re lovely, little one running around in a bonnet at Publix. Your brother might be wearing a Daniel Boone hat complete with a raccoon tail. And you’re definitely talking your mom into buying hot dogs so you can cook them over a campfire. Everyone can tell you’re homeschooled. And you can tell they’re probably jealous of your wild heart, and Little House on the Prairie plans…

You’re cool, the college girl that makes her boyfriend watch Casablanca with her because it’s a vitally important part of cinematic history. He might not get it – that’s okay. But when he watches it with you just because YOU love it. And lets you explain the vitally important parts of the next dozen pre -1960 films you sit through together. It might help you realize he’s the one…

Books - A love letter to old souls

You’re trendy, 20-something that already knew all about Alexander Hamilton BEFORE it hit Broadway (and, you’re team Burr). You might have even visited their duel site in Jersey, along with a stop at Frank Sinatra’s birthplace on the way…

You’re sweet, the lady that can chat with every sweet retired guy driving your Uber, because you love the same music, and have both seen Don McLean and Paul Simon in concert. Also, Herman’s Hermits ARE underrated, and yes your Dad sang “Henry the VIII” to you as a child and you loved it. Also, Grandmas adore you…

Your home is special, a mama with treasures from friends and family and trips that have decades of stories to tell. Postcards with greetings from 100 years ago, and stools discovered in a barn. Candy jar from grandma, and a vintage scale you found in the pantry of your New England house. They make your space unique, rich a warm…

Great grandma - A love letter to old souls

All of this is to say…

No matter what, share your passions, your differences, and what brings you joy! Embrace your old souls and the ones around you. Celebrate your quirks, and though it might take practice to package your vintage interests so that everyone can enjoy them, it’s worth it. What treasures that lovely brain of yours, and everyone around you, hold!

A Love Letter to Old Souls…

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