How to do Summer Travel with Kids: The 5 Best Things to Bring Along

Summer is here and that can mean summer travel with kids!

So, most of us will be doing a little traveling at some point. So about summer travel with kids….Here is a rundown of the top tools (in no particular order) for keeping children happy and occupied when on the move from a travel-experienced mom.

Note: In this case, there are no ¨cons¨ or negatives. ¨Cons¨will be shared as ¨considerations¨instead.

5. Balloons/Balls/Inflatables

  • Pros: The best instant physical activity tool when a playground is nowhere nearby. Balloons and beach balls are easy to deflate and lightweight. Can be used anywhere, especially when you reach your destination, and for every age, including adults. One ball can entertain a 16-year-old and a toddler at the same time. Not to mention cranky husbands who don’t like to travel as well.
  • Cons: Keeping children busy is great while traveling, but consider bringing things for them to do once you reach your destination as well. They will not have everything they are used to having at home.

4. Stuffed Animals/Favorite Friend

  • Pros: A friendly face can ease the anxiety of changing environments. Especially, when bedtime comes. And sleep is so important to make summer travel with kids enjoyable.

3. Electronics

  • Pros: An electronic screen (with a protective case) is a sure-fire go-to for sitting down and being quiet. There is nothing better. And can keep us busy for hours. There are A LOT of great new apps for educational learning and gaming. I really hate handing my toddler a screen, but for the sake of everyone’s sanity and peaceful travel experience, it may be the better choice. They can also have fun documenting their experience by letting them take their own pictures.
  • Cons: Must be able to keep electronics charged.

2. Activity books:

  • Pros: Activity books are great because they work for virtually any age during summer travel with kids. Children will STAY STILL while using them (toddlers are a hit or a miss). The volume on your child stays pretty low as well (unless your child lacks a quiet mode, like mine). They pack easy and do not take any space. Activity books facilitate creativity. Toddlers can color and play recognition games. While older kids can engage in some surprisingly sophisticated activities.
  • Cons: You have to watch toddlers closely and facilitate closely.

1. Their own traveling everything:

  • Pros: Teach them what goes into planning and traveling responsibly. They may end up being more of a help rather than a burden. Traveling can be exciting for children because they are learning and seeing things they normally do not every day. New sounds. New faces. Use the opportunity to make your child excited about all the new little things so they can learn to appreciate travel for what it is. Rather than focusing on the fact that he or she is unable to run and play, your child can get excited about the experience of traveling (if at least for an hour or two).
  • Cons: The more you bring, the more to keep up with. Things are bound to get lost, so don’t invest too much. The dollar store can be your best friend.

Have fun during your summer travel with kids! What are your favorite products to bring along during summer travel with kids?

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