Author Archives: Tricia Sportsman

Mommy’s Valuable Me Time During the Holiday

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”- Nelson Mandela Mommy Me Time Mommy me time is something I always struggle with and will probably always struggle with. It’s hard to think of yourself when you’re a mom because your first priority is the child/children and/or significant other. Heck, I can barely go to the bathroom […]

Lessons from Past Generations of Mothers

As I celebrated Mothers Day a few weeks ago, I started thinking of the women who influenced my upbringing. I had the privilege of growing up very close to my grandmother and great grandmothers. Dorothy, my maternal great-grandmother, was born in 1915 and she died when I was 15. Frances, my paternal great-grandmother, was born […]

It’s Possible to be a “Well-Rounded” Stay-at-Home Mom

I was a stay-at-home mom until my youngest was in kindergarten. This choice was made because it was what worked best for our family. My husband often worked long hours and we moved around a lot. We have never lived close to family. We wanted our kids to have at least one parent taking care of them as a […]

How to Host a Crowd (and Live to Tell About it)

When you live in the sunshine state, you can count on three things: Amazing weather, weird news stories, and lots of northern visitors. Over time, I have figured out a few things about successful hosting – things that leave me sane, and the guests wanting to come back (which is usually a win)! I should begin with […]

Here’s What Your Family Law Attorney Should Be Telling You

During a difficult time, it’s important you have the right team guiding you through the process. Here’s what your family law attorney should be telling you. It is unquestionably one of the worst times of people’s lives. Even the people who are the ones choosing to move forward with divorce or separation do not enjoy […]

Guide to Creating Your Own Summer Camp (At Home)- Schedule Included

In my house, on a magnetic whiteboard, there is a countdown – a countdown to SUMMER. For some of you, the fear and panic is starting to set in and you may be wondering – “WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY KIDS ALL SUMMER?” You may be checking out summer camps and buying coffee […]