The Perfect Pumpkin Patch Experience

My first daughter was born in the middle of September, so at a mere six weeks of age we decided to take her to a pumpkin patch. My bestie, who had an almost five-month-old (clearly a tremendously more experienced mother than I was because of the many more months of motherhood), called and invited us […]

It’s Okay to Cry in Front of Your Kids

I’m a strong woman. I can handle a lot. I’m not afraid to cry, but admittedly it’s usually behind closed doors. The one person I’m not afraid to cry in front of: my husband. He’s probably the only person I will let myself break down in front of. Everybody else – my closest friends, family, […]

Nonprofit Spotlight: Champions for Children

Did you know that Hillsborough County has some of the highest rates of child abuse and neglect in Florida? Champions for Children is a non-profit organization established in 1977 focused on changing families by helping to strengthen all families across the risk spectrum. Nearly 40,000 families benefit from their programs each year and most are provided for […]

National Dwarfism Awareness Month

In 2005, my little bundle of joy was born. Unlike most births, two doctors delivered my son, Samuel. His potential diagnosis caused them considerable concern. His specific type of dwarfism was considered  “not-compatible-with-life” based on underdeveloped lungs. Within minutes of birth, Samuel was whisked away to the Neo-natal intensive care unit, needing help to breathe. […]