Category Archives: Celebrations

My Failed Attempt at Preserving a Carved Pumpkin

One of the traditions that I have always enjoyed at this time of the year is to carve or otherwise decorate pumpkins, but I had never thought about preserving a carved pumpkin. There are so many different ways that you can decorate your pumpkin that people of any age can participate in. Last year, when […]

Alternatives to Candy for the Easter Basket

As a mom to a young child, I’ve been thinking about alternatives to candy for his Easter basket. I try to stay away from giving him too many sweet treats so instead this year I’m choosing alternatives for his basket. Bubbles For all of you moms and dads out there, I’m sure you can relate […]

7 Simple Tips for Organizing an Easter Egg Hunt on a Budget

ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT HOSTING YOUR OWN EASTER EGG HUNT THIS YEAR? THIS IS THE PERFECT WAY TO CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAY WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Easter is quickly approaching. It’s time to start planning a fun egg hunt for the children. This is a great activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. Follow these […]

7 Reasons to Fall in Love with Fall in Tampa Bay

Don’t get me wrong, I love going up north during the Fall and seeing all of the brightly colored leaves blowing off the trees. It’s beautiful, that’s for sure.  But, having lived in Florida now for more than a decade I have come to LOVE Fall in Florida!  Still not convinced?  Here’s 7 reasons you […]

7 Fun MLK Activities for Kids in Tampa Bay

Frankly, I have been dropping the ball when it comes to celebrating Martin Luther King Day with my kids. I’ve gotta do something to recognize the civil rights leader, because January 20 is more than just a day off from school. So I went on a search for MLK Activities for Kids in Tampa Bay. On Thanksgiving, […]

6 Healthy Valentine’s Day Snacks for Kids

Valentine’s Day is usually celebrated with lots of sweet treats. Every store is stocked with a variety of chocolates, cakes, candy and cookies. It can be a challenge finding a nutritious substitute perfect for Valentine’s Day. If you’re looking for a healthy alternative for your child, I can help.  Here’s six simple but nourishing snacks […]

5 Ways to Teach Kids about Black History Month

Today, it’s important for everyone to learn about our country’s past in order to create a better future. Black history is an important part of American history. As a parent, you may want to shield your kids from America’s ugly past but that knowledge is how we create progress and build a better country. First […]

5 Picture Books That Should Be Under Your Tree This Christmas

Giving a good book as a gift is one of my favorite things to do. I give my kids at least one book for almost every occasion and am always looking for new ones. If you’re one of the people trying to stick to the four Christmas gift rule or are just in search of some new ideas, […]

5 Ideas for a Memorable Mother’s Day in Tampa Bay

It’s that time of year again where mothers are given a small portion of the credit they deserve for all of the superwoman-esque things they do on a daily basis. Some mothers will get flowers or brunch at their favorite restaurant. Others may get a day off to go to a spa or have some […]