Galentine’s Day, It’s Not Just For February 13th Anymore

One of my all-time favorite television shows is “Parks and Recreation” – a comedy about the inner workings of local government through the lens of the parks department. Its main character, Leslie Knope, loves to create special days commemorating friendship. The first time she met the person, the first time she ate breakfast with them, and so on. These days in no way compare to her creation of Galentine’s Day. According to her, “It’s only the best day of the year!” Celebrated on February 13th, it’s a breakfast party with your best girlfriends, who are definitely your soul mates. This is where you get to exchange gifts and love. Sounds amazing, right?!

Now I know what you’re thinking, February 13th that’s very specific. Being moms, I think we all understand that sometimes we procrastinate and are late to the party. It’s great if you get your act together and are able to celebrate on the 13th. But, if you are more like me, the party really happens when you can get a babysitter.

That’s why I say we should celebrate Galentine’s Day whenever we can! It doesn’t need to be confined to a single date of the year. Adulting is hard, and so is being a mom. So whenever you can take time away from your busyness and spend it with your besties, I say take advantage!

Last month, I visited the far-flung locale of Orlando to get together with most of my college favorites. We purchased tickets for Wicked and that acted as the catalyst to get us all in one place. No other plans needed. Just time with the ladies to catch up and relax, and it was lovely. Since my youngest is nursing and pretty attached to me at the moment, he came, too. But when you have amazing friends like I do, they don’t mind. (Probably because baby snuggles are some of the best kind of snuggles).

You don’t have to travel to celebrate your soul mates. You can do brunch, which is Leslie Knope’s other favorite thing. Or You can sing and dance along to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s awesome Galentine’s Day playlist on Spotify. You can FaceTime your favorites if you can’t be in the same place. Make sure you party it up with your besties, whenever and wherever you can. Remember Leslie’s mantra: “Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.” And you’ll be just fine.

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