Independent Educational Consultants at Admissions Untangled Help Relieve College Admissions Stress

Thanks to our friends at Admissions Untangled for this sponsored post!

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The college planning and admissions process can be overwhelming. Between the applications, transcripts, essays, financial aid paperwork and housing choices… How do you know where to even start? And that’s if your student already knows what college or university he or she wants to attend! Applying for college is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming for both students and their parents. Thankfully there are Independent Educational Consultants right here in the Tampa Bay area to guide you and your student step-by-step through the college admissions process.

Relieve College Planning & Admissions Stress With Admissions Untangled

The college admissions experts at Admissions Untangled are highly trained Independent Educational Consultants with the knowledge and resources to coach students and their parents through the college admissions process. Their Independent Educational Consultants can help build a preferred school list and assist in narrowing down the best match academically, financially and socially. Educational Consultants will lead your student through building a stand-out portfolio, essay, and application worthy of acceptance into the school of choice. At Admissions Untangled, their goal isn’t just to align your student with the best match, but to also counsel your student on the best steps to make him or her standout as an excellent candidate.

Meet Gerene Keesler–Your Local Certified Independent Educational Consultant

Admissions Untangled Owner Ms. Gerene Keesler utilizes three decades of experience in the university profession including work in Admissions, Residential Life, and Career Services. Gerene recently obtained her certificate in College Counseling from UC San Diego (March, 2021) and holds a Masters Degree in Counseling. As a member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, Gerene thoroughly researches and vets colleges, and regularly devotes time to visiting campuses to ensure she always has the most up-to-date information. She’ll ask the critical questions that are often overlooked by parents and students such as the school’s graduation rates, the average incoming GPA of other students, and the employment rate for graduates.

Gerene meets one-on-one with students (and parents!) remotely so you are easily able to access her services from anywhere. During your sessions with Gerene, she will conduct assessments to ensure the satisfaction of parents and students. Gerene’s ability to provide individual attention to each student–something not commonly available to parents and students from high school guidance counselors alone–gives your child’s college portfolio and application a competitive edge. And, as if that wasn’t already a huge boost for success, Gerene will assist in tracking deadlines, editing resumes and essays, and keeping the overload of required forms and paperwork organized.

Why Choose Admissions Untangled?

The Independent Educational Consultants at Admissions Untangled know every student deserves to succeed. Whether your child is an IB/AP student or needs special accommodations, Admissions Untangled personalizes their services to focus on the individual needs and interests of each student regardless of their background or ability. Admissions Untangled’s Independent Educational Consultants can assist with course selections, timelines, extracurriculars, volunteer work, special accommodations and even residential housing selection unique to your student and their college preferences.

Admissions Untangled is also a member of The National Association of College Admissions Counselors, a member of The Southern Association For College Admissions Counseling, and an associate member of The Independent Educational Consultants Association. Now, you may have never heard of these associations so let me explain why this is so important. In order to qualify as a member of these associations, Independent Educational Consultants must apply and be accepted. Applicants must be able to prove they possess years of experience, including previously providing educational consultant services to numerous students. Members are also bound by strict guidelines to adhere to ethical practices, stay current on professional training, and by no means accept any monetary compensation from schools in exchange for student applications. That means, the Independent Educational Consultants of these associations are strictly in it to be of the best support and assistance to you and your student’s college future!

Independent Educational Consultants For Parents

Educational consultants and coaches aren’t just for students. High school is a natural time for young adults to want to be independent of their parents. The struggle for independence and disinterest in parental involvement can make the college planning and application process difficult and often frustrating. Working with an Independent Educational Consultant such as Admissions Untangled will not only relieve the stress on the student, but also provide the support, guidance and information for parents, as well. And best of all, as a parent, you can meet one-on-one with your Independent Educational Consultant at Admissions Untangled at any time to discuss your student’s progress and play a key role in your student’s admission process–all while giving your student the space and independence he or she is pushing for.

Not Just for the Elite

It’s a myth that Independent Educational Consultants are only used by the elite to get into Ivy League schools. It’s more common than you may think to get help from experts and why shouldn’t you?! Consider that not all of us are great at things like college entry interviews or resume building and editing. Independent Educational Consultants can help, and at Admissions Untangled, their educational counselors aim to make that college planning assistance affordable for all.

Ready to start planning you or your child’s future and get the leg up on the competition? College admissions counseling services are available to students as young as 9th grade. Visit Admissions Untangled’s website today to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about the affordable options available to help every student succeed regardless of the amount of services you or your student may need.

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