How to Be a Good Neighbor

When my husband and I moved from California a year and a half ago, we were expecting to meet our neighbors as they would pick up their mail or drive by on their way to work. What we got in return was a friendly ring at our door so they could welcome us to the neighborhood. We had a lovely meet and greet and exchanged phone numbers by the end.

Having lived in California, you would be lucky to know who some of your neighbors were. There’s a hustle and bustle in the Southern California way of life. Everyone minds their own business, is on their way to or from work, and avoiding eye contact is a clear indication that they don’t want to be bothered from their busy schedule.

Moving to Florida proved to me that those Hollywood movies where we see where neighbors welcome that new family to the neighborhood block really do exist.

Ways to be a good neighbor:

  1. Knock on the door and introduce yourself to the new neighbor. Chances are they moved from out of state and don’t know anyone yet, having left their friends and extended family behind. (That was us!)
  2. If you happen to be outside of the house at the same time as another neighbor, wave hello and ask them how they’re doing. It might brighten their day.
  3. Know someone on the block that is pregnant or that recently gave birth? Surprise them with a gift. I guarantee you would bring happy tears down the new momma’s face (thanks hormones!). Bonus points if you’re considerate enough to leave the gift by the door without ringing the doorbell, because who wants to wake up a newborn baby from a peaceful nap!
  4. If you do get gifts for whatever occasion, please send one in return, or at the very least hand write a thank you note to show your appreciation.
  5. Know that your neighbor will be away for a while on holiday or work? Offer to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity near their home and alert them if there is one. There is peace of mind knowing that your neighbors watch out for one another.
  6. Affected by a recent hurricane? Come together with your neighborhood block and offer to help out before or after the hit with prepping for it or cleaning the damage afterward.
  7. With Christmas around the corner, leave a small but thoughtful gift at their door. They will appreciate the gesture, however small the gift. What matters is the thought and spreading joy around the holiday season any way you can.

We are so fortunate to be living in our peaceful neighborhood in Old Seminole Heights, and having some of the best neighbors is the cherry on top!

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