Category Archives: Teens

Quarantine Life at Home with Kids Let Me Look at My Kids Again

Who would have ever predicted that we would be cooped up in our homes for as long as we have been? This Coronavirus has really thrown so many lives against the wall, financially and emotionally. Some have even lost loved ones. It will be something that we will never forget and in some ways, I […]

Anyone Scared to Raise a Young Girl These Days?

Mom raising daughterI sure am. Between the mid-90’s mean girl persona and today’s VSCO girl, I am scared to raise a young girl. While only 5, it already feels like she’s 5 going on 15. Part of me wants to believe it’s somehow “different today”. But I know darn well that mean girls, self-esteem issues and […]

9 Tampa Bay Programs To Help Teens Find Their Passion

When giving advice for a job choice or career, I have heard the admonition, “Do what you love.” But how do teenagers know what they love to do? Many teens graduate high school not knowing what captures their passion. As a parent, how do direct your teen to tap into what will truly make them […]

Reflections on a High School Graduate and the Journey Ahead

Adorned in cap and gown, the small blonde kid we’ve grown into a man walks across the stage and into the next steps towards adulthood next week. He will toss his cap in the air and officially be a high school graduate. One long chapter filled with lessons, tests, homework, and school projects on giant […]

You Can’t Sit With Us – Raising a Daughter in a World of Mean Girls

Little girls… made up of sugar and spice and everything nice. Thank heaven for ’em, am I right? If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’re a mom. In which case, there is about a 50/50 chance you are the proud mommy of a beautiful little girl. She is the light of your life, […]