Category Archives: Education

How To Talk To Your Child About Creating a Family Routine

Happy New Year! I love January! It feels like a fresh start and a great time to think about your family routine. As parents, we reflect on the previous year and think about our resolutions for the new year. In my experience as a school psychologist and former educator, I get a lot of questions […]

Homeschooling Tips For The Busy and Working Mom

I am a mom of three boys, I work full-time and also homeschool….pre-COVID-19. In 2019, my husband and I made the decision to homeschool our Autistic son, who was 8 years old at the time. You can read about why we made that decision here. This decision was not made lightly as we were faced with […]

5 Steps to Help Your Kids Master E-Learning in Tampa Bay

We are all experiencing challenging times as we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic. As we implement new health and safety procedures at home, work, and public spaces, our area schools are doing the same. Hillsborough county schools and most other Tampa Bay counties are offering 100% virtual learning for the school year. For the 48,410 Hillsborough […]

Curriculum Resources for Homeschool: List of My Favorite Resources

I started homeschooling my son last year in 2019. One of our many obstacles was creating a curriculum. Our ultimate goal in homeschooling our son was to allow him to explore his passion while learning and growing in a child-directed environment. After considering many different factors, we decided to go with a combination of unschooling and relaxed […]

CAMP IDS at Corbett Prep: It’s Fantastic, Fun, & Full of Great Choices!! {Sponsored}

Tampa Bay moms, whether you have booked your kids for the summer or you’re still looking for summer opportunities, you need to do yourself a favor and look into CAMP IDS at Corbett Prep!! My daughters and I recently toured CAMP IDS at Corbett Prep, and WOW!  My 17-year-old daughter got back in the car […]

Becoming Unapologetically Black: A Mom’s Perspective on the Black Lives Matter Movement

Growing up, I struggled with my black identity. At school, I was made fun of because I was not what society would consider being stereotypically black. Kids at school called me Oreo and said I spoke like a white girl. They said I was weird because I jammed out to country music instead of hip hop and […]

To School or Not to School, That is the Question

On March 13th, children of Hillsborough County left schools for what would be the last time. They filed out of the doors preparing for spring break and then the world stopped. No more field trips, no more seeing friends daily, and no more graduations. Instead, education, friends, and graduations were replaced with zoom conference calls, […]

School Reopening in Tampa Bay: Resources for Parents

Plans for school reopening in the Tampa Bay area are falling into place. We have some resources to help you get ready for this most unusual school year. “In these uncertain times…” Does it seem like every commercial starts with some version of that phrase? While it’s true that uncertainty rules the day, we still need to […]