Category Archives: Education

3 Tips for Stress-free Distance Learning

Most moms weren’t prepared when schools announced that our kids would be distance learning for a little bit. We are already stressed with the idea that Coronavirus had hit the United States (and we didn’t know if we were safe). Work was sending people home. And we all needed to find toilet paper… quick! The […]

What is Free VPK? (And How Do I Sign My Kid Up?)

Drive anywhere in the Tampa Bay suburbs and you’ll see signs advertising free VPK at many daycare centers. If you’re new to Florida schools, you’ve probably noticed the signs and wondered, what’s that? Years ago before I had kids, these signs caught my eye and I was curious about this VPK thing. But it wasn’t […]

How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying and Bully Prevention

As you’re driving home from school with your kids, you overhear them talking about another child in their class. Your child calls this other student a bully. And says that “they are mean.” As a parent, you may find yourself asking several different questions. “Is that child a bully? Is my child being bullied? What […]

Reflections on a High School Graduate and the Journey Ahead

Adorned in cap and gown, the small blonde kid we’ve grown into a man walks across the stage and into the next steps towards adulthood next week. He will toss his cap in the air and officially be a high school graduate. One long chapter filled with lessons, tests, homework, and school projects on giant […]