Category Archives: Friendship

My Baby Has a Boyfriend: Your Child’s First Crush

Kindergartener: “Mama, I have a boyfriend.” Me: “Who is it?” Kindergartener: “Bryce.” Me: “How do you know he is your boyfriend?” Kindergartener: “He kissed me on the cheek.” Me: (Raised eyebrows)“No more kisses at school. Got it?” Valentine’s Day card exchanges at school spark conversations about lovey-dovey stuff. While I remember my childhood crush on […]

Five Tips to Help You Make Mom Friends

I remember when I first had my oldest son. A lot of my friends then did not have kids so it was difficult for me to keep up with them. I had just turned 22 so I wasn’t too big on going out anymore. There were no more late nights at the clubs or spur […]

You Can’t Sit With Us – Raising a Daughter in a World of Mean Girls

Little girls… made up of sugar and spice and everything nice. Thank heaven for ’em, am I right? If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’re a mom. In which case, there is about a 50/50 chance you are the proud mommy of a beautiful little girl. She is the light of your life, […]