Category Archives: Tips + Tricks

Working from Home with Kids During COVID-19

COVID-19, “safer at home” orders, social distancing, and student distance learning have caused many working parents to work from home with kids underfoot. I’ve been working from home for five years. It’s a new experience working from home with my kids here too. Here are some of the ways that I’ve been able to save […]

5 Toys Kids Love But Parents Hate

We’ve all been in that space, your child is opening gifts for Christmas or their birthday and you’re holding your breath hoping it’s not a really annoying or messy toy. Then it happens, a relative inevitably gets your child a toy that makes you cringe. Here’s the latest list of our top 5 toys that […]

Surviving Job Loss When Mama’s the Breadwinner

Many moms these days are hustling hard, climbing corporate ladders and taking over as bread winner in the family. Stay at home dads are on the rise and the conventional sense of “family”’ is changing. Despite that, many working moms tend to still take on all of the invisible family tasks. Things like scheduling play dates, […]

Simple Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain This Year

Tis the season for holiday after holiday – this time of year can be very stressful to a lot of people who may be watching their weight, or for those who do not want to become a statistic of holiday weight gain of 7-10 lbs. this holiday season. Ideally, I would recommend priming your metabolism. […]