Summer Sun, Heat and Water Safety Tips for Kids

Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Your Kids Urgent Care. Author: Alisa Pelot

Summer is upon us and fun activities like swimming, beaching, and playing outside may already be filling your days! As such, we think this is a great time to share some reminders about how to keep your children safe in the summer sun, heat, and water.


Water Safety

According to the Chicago Tribune, drowning is the most common cause of death for children ages one to four, and the second most common cause of accidental death in children ages five to 14.

Here are some easy tips to keep you and your children safe this summer

  • Supervision: Never leave children unattended near a body of water. Even if you do not plan on swimming, it is important to be conscientious of your surroundings around water.
  • Swim Lessons: No matter your age, enroll in an age-appropriate swim lesson.
  • Find a Buddy: Always rely on the buddy system; never allow children to swim alone.
  • Life Jacket: If your child is not an experienced swimmer, have them wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket when they are around water.
  • Learn CPR: Should anything happen, you can be prepared to assist in an emergency, until medical help arrives.


If you or someone you know are in need of swim lessons for summer, visit here  and here to find lessons nearest you!


Heat Safety

With temperatures already in the 90’s, and only expected to increase from here, it’s crucial to stay protected from heat related illness. Here are three easy ways to ensure their body temperature stays under control:


  • Drink Plenty of Water: Remember, you are supposed to drink 8 cups a day. On hot days, you’re going to need more.
  • Cover Up: Avoid overheating by wearing loose, lightweight, light colored clothing.
  • Choose Your Time Wisely: Make sure outdoor activities are scheduled in the morning or evening to avoid the hottest time of the day.


Sun Safety

Did you know a sun burn can occur within 15 minutes of being outside? A sun burn can be extremely painful and even lead to skin cancer later in life. Check out these simple ways to protect yourself:


  • Know the Temperature: Be sure to check the temperature and the UV index before going out into the sun. Be aware, clouds do not block UV rays, so even if the sun is not shining you should still take precautions so you are not at risk.
  • Apply Sunscreen: At least 30 minutes before you are exposed to the sun. Your sun screen should be at least 15 SPF, 30 SPF if you have fair skin.
  • Seek Shade: When it’s possible, stay in the shade, especially during the hottest times of the day.
  • Use Accessories: Sunglasses will help protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, and hats will help shade sensitive areas of the face, such as ears, scalp, and neck.


Following these easy tips will help to ensure in a fun and safe summer for you and your kids! For more information on water, heat, and sun safety, visit:

Water Safety:
Heat Safety:
Sun Safety:


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