Remember in my last post I said I’m always up for a new challenge and that basically we should embrace learning new things? Can I take that back? Life threw me some major curve balls this week that has left my world more than a little shaken. One of those has to do with my job.
A major part of who I define myself as is a second grade teacher. I’ve taught second grade for 13 of my 17 years. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve taught at the same school, in the same room, in the same grade for the past nine years with a team of some amazing colleagues who are also friends. Obviously, I’m not particularly fond of change.

Without warning, my principal told me that next year I’ll be teaching 4th grade…say what?!? Anyone who knows kids knows there is a HUGE difference between sweet “mom, I mean teacher!” seven-year-olds and “I might be too cool for school” nine-year-olds. This change means sorting and moving the contents of basically a small house, learning the curriculum of what to teach 4th graders, taking trainings for most of my summer, leaving my team of friends, and most of all, being forced out of my happy little place in the world. I literally was so stunned at this “dump your identity upside down” announcement that I started to cry in my principal’s office. This is completely outside my comfort zone and, as an “imperfect perfectionist,” I don’t like to do things if I don’t know that I can do it well. It is hard to face my fears of the unknown.
As I thought about this unexpected (and frankly, unwelcome) change, I thought about all the changes we face as moms. Becoming a mom in itself is filled with “dump your world upside down” moments. From the moment you get that positive test result back and realize your body is no longer your own, to the first night home with a newborn and you realize a full night sleep is no longer in your immediate future, to the phone calls from your single/kidless friends inviting you to a girls’ night out and you think, “yes! I so need that…oh, I don’t have a sitter”–being a mom is full of change. Sometimes we fight it, sometimes we embrace it. Mostly, we struggle to find the balance in between.
Whether you are facing changes that are outside your control or something you’ve welcomed–whether it’s becoming a mom, having another baby, wanting to go back to work or school, deciding to be a stay at home mom, trying to lose weight, dealing with relationship issues, or a myriad of other changes that happen–change can be overwhelming. In the past two weeks, I’ve had to evaluate things. I’ve made my list of pros and cons. I’ve struggled, cried, and complained. And then I took a breath, and another, and another. I looked at other parts of my life. I’m working to appreciate what is going right, the things I value–my family, my friends.
It’s like when the power goes out in your house. One of those things you take for granted, but when it’s gone, you realize how much you rely on it. And when it’s back, you are grateful and may even celebrate it. That’s what I’m working in right now–celebrating the things I sometimes take for granted–having a family who loves me, friends who I can turn to in crisis, being healthy enough to enjoy life, even having a job–despite the changes. It’s not easy, but I’m willing to work at it.

And I share this with you in hopes that although I don’t know how things will turn out, I might be able to support the moms out there who are dealing with the changes in their own lives. I invite you to share with me, in the midst of hardships or changes in your life, what do you appreciate to help get you grounded?