Tag Archives: new moms

5 Tips For Surviving Motherhood When You Live Far From Family

As the mom of two elementary-age kids born 16 months apart, I’ve had a decent amount of parenting challenges. My husband and I are transplants to Tampa, so one of the most challenging things has been living far from family. Thru my experience, the following are helpful tips for surviving motherhood when you live far […]

Hello, My Name is …Mom?

I am not the most “kid friendly” type of person; I am an only child who never even had the slightest desire to babysit. Most of my New York City friends are over thirty, but, very few of them have popped out a kid from their loins. We’re just a different type of girl, I guess. Weekends […]

Breastfeeding, a retrospect!

My kids are now 5 yrs and 11 yrs and I miss my breastfeeding days!  In another week I’ll have one in kindergarten and one in middle school!   I never thought I would be that “crazy breastfeeding lady,” but I honestly miss breastfeeding my kids. With my first child, we weaned him right after his […]