Tag Archives: breastfeeding

15 Must-Have Items for Breastfeeding Moms

Planning to breastfeed? Super! (We also support those moms planning to formula feed; so long as you’re feeding your kids something, we’re happy! #fedisbest) So, you already have the real essentials: the baby and the boobs. You’re nearly done! Er, not exactly. As a mom of two who works full-time, six weeks of maternity leave comes and […]

10 Things I Won’t Miss About Breastfeeding

My little girl is turning one this month and I can’t believe a year has passed. I wanted to breastfeed for a year, and I’m proud to say I’ve successfully achieved my goal. Please understand, I did not EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed, and there were days where she had more formula than breast milk, but I still […]

Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week – Diary of a Breastfeeding Journey

It’s World Breastfeeding Week it’s celebrated annually on a global scale. It helps promote, support, and bring awareness to the many benefits it provides. In honor of this celebration, I personally get to celebrate the fact that I gave my daughter something that money couldn’t buy, something straight from my body that was made specifically […]

When It’s Time to Wean Your Toddler: Creative Techniques to Be Successful

Creative weaning When it’s time to wean your toddler it’s good to read about different techniques. Every mother’s breastfeeding relationship with their child is different and finding the right path means you may need to get creative. Here are some tried and some not-so-true weaning suggestions: Calmly explain to your toddler mamas milk is going bye-bye.  Reduce […]

Why It’s Important To Celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week

In August 2011, the United States Breastfeeding Committee officially declared August as National Breastfeeding Month. The last week of the month marks Black Breastfeeding Week to increase awareness about the experiences of Black women and their families. Black Breastfeeding Week isn’t about separation but bringing awareness to generations of people who have been negatively impacted by systemic […]

Exclusive Pumping – An Alternative Breastfeeding Journey

During my first pregnancy, I read, researched, and took classes about parenting and babies to make sure I was prepared for my newborn. One undisputed recommendation from all sources was that breastfeeding is the most beneficial source of nutrition for your baby. During my pregnancy, I took a breastfeeding class with my husband. We wanted […]

Things Only Moms of Skinny Babies Understand

I know this might come as a shock to some, but not all babies have cute, chubby rolls that are just asking to be pinched. In fact, my 14-month-old son has never had a baby roll. Not one. Not at birth, not at six months, not now, not ever. He’s been a lean, energy machine since the […]

Breastfeeding, a retrospect!

My kids are now 5 yrs and 11 yrs and I miss my breastfeeding days!  In another week I’ll have one in kindergarten and one in middle school!   I never thought I would be that “crazy breastfeeding lady,” but I honestly miss breastfeeding my kids. With my first child, we weaned him right after his […]