Tag Archives: new moms

How to Reclaim Your Body After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy may seem a bit daunting, but it is definitely possible to get your pre-pregnancy body back and even stronger than before. But, how do you reclaim your body after pregnancy? There really is no secret to losing the weight. It takes a commitment to yourself, and to your family, to concentrate […]

15 Must-Have Items for Breastfeeding Moms

Planning to breastfeed? Super! (We also support those moms planning to formula feed; so long as you’re feeding your kids something, we’re happy! #fedisbest) So, you already have the real essentials: the baby and the boobs. You’re nearly done! Er, not exactly. As a mom of two who works full-time, six weeks of maternity leave comes and […]

Nonprofit Spotlight: Community Roots Collective – Empowering Families in Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay Moms Blog will be spotlighting one local nonprofit each month. Our goal is to bring awareness to our readers with nonprofit organizations that are making an impact in Tampa Bay through their connection and work in the community. Community Roots Collective: Empowering families and helping them grow through education, resources, and love. What […]

Postpartum Care: No, You Don’t Need to “Bounce Back” After Childbirth

Ten days after my second child was born, I was sure my body had just about fully healed from childbirth. I felt like I was bouncing back. Caring for two kids was going pretty well. I was even keeping up with dishes and laundry. Postpartum rest never even crossed my mind. My husband helped with our […]

6 Things I Wish I Someone Told Me Before I Became a Mom

Nothing can prepare you for motherhood. Each mother is different and each baby is different, so there can’t possibly be a manual for motherhood. However, there are a few things I wish someone had told me before I entered this wild, wonderful, beautiful world of motherhood. A sort of list to prepare me for the […]

5 Incredible Ways That Birthing Women Inspire Me

There are many reasons that I became a doula. I loved my birth experiences and the magic of bringing my babies into the world. You could say I became a bit of a birth junkie after having them. It took me a little time to become a doula because of how intimidating the on-call life […]

7 Common Things New Moms Hear and How to Respond

I was having a conversation with a couple of brand new mamas recently. We were talking about the things people say that even though they mean well (at least most of the time) drive us absolutely batty as new mothers. There were a couple zingers that each of us could totally resonate with, and we […]