Grateful for Being an Example to my Little Girl

It’s with a grateful heart this year that we sent our daughter off to Kindergarten. She’s our last (of 2). Time is quickly passing by as she grows into a smart, sassy and not-so-little girl anymore. She’s still 5, but witty and comical. And with an older brother, she’s bound to be exposed to things […]

Grandparents Day Craft Roundup

Grandparents are great! They bring joy, happiness, and old fashioned fun into our childrens’ lives. Along with handed down words of advice and valuable life lessons.  Grandparents Day is Sunday, September 13th and this year we are going to surprise gramma with a few handmade goodies, but also include a few foods from her Irish […]

Finding the Right Church for My Family: My Church Tinder Experience

Finding the right church for my family is a lot like looking for a husband on Tinder. The saying “you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince” has never been more relatable. I thought that we’d find a church match on our first church blind date. And that is so not what […]

Finding a Balance of a Successful Career and Quality Family Time

Work and Family There are days where it all becomes overwhelming, working full time, being a full-time mom and wife. I get pulled in so many directions. I want to have a successful job that helps provide for my family, but I also want to be the mom and wife that is present and available. […]

Finding Harmony in Life Not Just Singing Competitions

I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the line, I turned into a real sap. I think it was right around the time I gave birth to my first child… but who can say for sure? It has only gotten worse. Recently, I found myself crying over an America’s Got Talent audition. Now, […]

Easy DIY Holiday Treat Recipes: Toddler Tested and Approved

Toddler Tested Holiday Treats For Beginners I’ll preface this post by saying that I’m not a baker or a maker of anything in general. Before I had my son, I had little interest in making any kinds of desserts and sweet treats for the family. It wasn’t until I was a mother myself and saw […]