Why Not Strive to Just Be Your Selfie

Trout pout. Shameless. Duckface. Alonie. What do you visualize when you see those words? Does “selfie” come to mind? Me? Well, I’m a certifiable lurker. I see you. Posting those selfies of your beautiful face. Your post-workout dewy flushed complexion. Your self deprecating caption in hopes that your observers won’t classify you as narcissistic. Or […]

Beet Pineapple Smoothie Recipe

Well, that sounds interesting doesn’t it?  If you don’t already juice with beets you are probably thinking that I am crazy.  In fact, a few months ago if you told me that I would be doing ANYTHING with beets, I would have told you that you were crazy. But my good friend has been telling me for a long time now that beets […]


The other day I was walking through the parking lot at Target screaming at my 2-year-old daughter to put on her sunglasses and her hat. She’s usually good about it… But for some reason, on this day, she was throwing a fit and kept tossing them off. “AUDREY!!! Put your Minnie glasses on your face […]

A Picture of an Abusive Relationship – Part 1

If someone had taken a picture of me during my time in an abusive relationship – there would be just me, a smiling, young coed, trying to find her path to success at a nationally renowned university. There would be no outward signs of the abuse – no bruises, no scratches, no external marks of […]