Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

When Should I Step in with Friends and Bullying?

My Beliefs At what age can you honestly say that your child can handle bullying on their own? When should I step in with friends and bullying? The answer isn’t always clear. In fact, it’s muddy. As a parent, I have very high expectations for the way my kids treat others. This has been one of […]

Bully Button For Social Media Awareness

Social media can be a powerful force of good. Missing persons: found. Charity awareness: raised. Weather alerts: alerted. Disconnected family: connected. Not to mention the numbers of dinner’s saved from friends’ shared recipes. As an avid social media user, I enjoy all the benefits it affords. But, there is another side to social media that […]

Birthday Party Time: Give Me a High 5!

We decided to host our kiddo’s fifth birthday party at our house. When asked, she requested hot dogs, cake, and friends to play with. Okay…that sounded simple enough…right?!?! Welllllll here’s the real story of how birthday party time went. Theme/Supplies Kids love themes so I took my kiddo to the party store to check out her options. Oh […]

Birthday Missions: Making Birthdays Special for Your Kids

When my son, Ben, turned eight, we went on a series of activities that we called birthday missions. That particular day, we got doughnuts from Krispy Kreme, bought his scouting uniform as he was becoming a Cub Scout, and went to see a movie. What I didn’t realize at the time is that I was […]

Are You Wearing Clothes? Yes? That’s Good Enough for Me!

How in the world do parents get their children to look so darn adorable every morning for school? Seriously? Are they, like, SuperMoms or something? You know the ones… The little girls in matching dresses and tights and cute little shoes. Their hair pulled back into intricate braids with matching bows. They have glittery pink […]

Are You Mistaken For a Grandmother?

Parents, not Grandfather and Grandmother Grandmother or Mom? Sitting in the food court area at Sam’s Club, a gray-haired gentleman walked by and asked, “Taking care of the grandson today?” Was I really just mistaken for a grandmother? I froze. How would I respond? My son was blissfully unaware this encounter involved him. Should I […]