Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

Behavior Bites Series: #1 Be EXPLICIT with your children

The dreaded shopping cart. This cart always brings me back to a few years ago when my oldest son would flat out refuse to get into it. Not only did he refuse, but he would scream as loud as he could and tantrum right in front of the store while everyone watched me swoop him […]

Let’s All Please Stop the Baby Name Judgment Game

This is a piece that could be written every year;  the TBMB editors could drag it out or link to it or name check yearly because here is the reality of life, folks: celebrity moms and dads will always name their kids “weird” names. Not all celebs, of course, but many. And as the celeb […]

You Know You’re a Mom of Toddlers When…

your longest stretch of uninterrupted sleep was in a toddler bed… you have 2 weeks’ worth of clean laundry strewn about your house… you turn sandwiches into animals/shapes/letters in the hopes that your kid will at least TASTE it before throwing it away… you sing at least one Daniel Tiger song per day in an attempt […]

10 Food Ideas for Picky Toddlers

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old. In the world of toddler-rearing, this means many things. But when it comes to food, it means she’s more likely to adorn her face with cheese than to actually eat a meal. As parents, we learn quickly that kids oftentimes don’t care about the boring, mundane aspects of life; […]

Introducing Cheryl from Nap Time Is The New Happy Hour

There are so many things about myself that I would love to share but I don’t want to bore you with all the details. So, let me to get down to the nuts and bolts of what I am all about. I am a true Florida girl. If it drops below 70 degrees I am freezing. […]

Birth Story: Labor and Delivery: Not as scary as it sounds

Call me a weirdo, but I love labor! I don’t enjoy being pregnant at all (and pregnancy doesn’t agree with me either. You can read about that here). But there’s something exciting about the labor experience. Whether it’s due to all the hormones or the excitement of meeting your little one, my two labor experiences have […]