Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

Sharenting: Building a Positive Digital Footprint in an Online World

It was just the other day that I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed when I noticed a posting in a local Mom group. I could not help but think of “sharenting,” the act of oversharing information about your children on social media. There before my eyes was the naked bottom of a toddler […]

Scaling Back on the Size and Stress of Your Child’s Birthday Party

When my older son turned 2 in 2013, I was so excited to plan the cutest Sesame Street birthday party the Pinterest world had ever seen. Although my main career is a high school teacher, I’ve spent the last eight years working for a wedding planning company on the side. Planning events is my thing. I […]

7 Really Good Mommy Instagrams

Instagram is boss. It’s full of beauty and humor. Like all social media, it can be a mindless fall into the black hole of wasted time. But, it can also be a good mix of creativity and inspiration. I’ve found the distinction to be determined by how well I manage who it is I’m following. […]

The Perfect Pumpkin Patch Experience

My first daughter was born in the middle of September, so at a mere six weeks of age we decided to take her to a pumpkin patch. My bestie, who had an almost five-month-old (clearly a tremendously more experienced mother than I was because of the many more months of motherhood), called and invited us […]