Category Archives: Health + Wellness

I Needed a Mommy Break and That’s OK

It’s almost two in the afternoon. Reece has been napping for about an hour, which means I have another thirty minutes of quiet time. Yep, I get a full hour and a half that I can use to unload the dishwasher, clean my house, fold laundry, write a blog post that’s due in two days […]

I Discovered my Fitness Passion; You Should Too

I spun and lifted my way through my 20’s. I jogged, kick boxed and Bodypumped my way through the decade. Youthful, energetic and free of familial obligations, I worked my butt off daily at the gym, I discovered my fitness passion. Fitness was my biggest hobby and my passion. In fact,  I spent so much […]

How to (Realistically) Start the New Year Right

I don’t know about you, but my Januarys usually just stink. The post-holiday let-down and re-entry struggle after vacation are REAL, as are the slightttttly tight pants, a house full of glitter and laundry to put away, and overwhelming thoughts about a WHOLE new year stretching out in front of me. While others are making resolutions, […]

How the Right Hobbies Can Make You a Better Mama

A few years into motherhood, I didn’t recognize myself. Obviously, life was drastically different than it was pre-baby. And for me personally, this period of my life also meant quitting a job I loved. And moving several states away from anything and anyone familiar. It was a grand adventure, but also terribly disorienting. For a while, […]

How is the New Year’s Resolution Going? Some Pointers on Self-Care

The first month of the year is over. If you are anything like me, January always seems to drag on. Like it has 375 days rather than 31. As we get back into the routine after the holidays, days can get long; and it’s right in the middle of cold and flu season. I spend […]