Author Archives: Tricia Sportsman

Four Straight Years of Breastfeeding and Counting

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been breastfeeding for four straight years. As I prepared for my daughter’s birth four and a half years ago, I never would have guessed this would be the particular breastfeeding journey I was signing up for. And yet, here I am, still breastfeeding four years later. While I believe […]

10 Things I Won’t Miss About Breastfeeding

My little girl is turning one this month and I can’t believe a year has passed. I wanted to breastfeed for a year, and I’m proud to say I’ve successfully achieved my goal. Please understand, I did not EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed, and there were days where she had more formula than breast milk, but I still […]

Why We Celebrate No-Birthday-Party Birthdays

My son turns 8 this March. With eight years of birthdays, you’d think we’ve had our share of sugar-fueled, bounce-house, wrapping-paper-blizzard birthday parties. It’s a rite of passage for every family, after all. Part of the parenting puzzle. But you’d be wrong. To date, we’ve had exactly one birthday party that involved our son inviting […]

Why My Elementary-Aged Kids are Allowed to Dye Their Hair

In today’s world, allowing kids to be themselves seems to be a topic that’s constantly discussed. I’ve always been open about my kids being their true selves. My first blog post on this topic was several years ago. Fast forward to today and I still have these feelings. Self-expression can take on many forms. My kids are […]