Author Archives: Tricia Sportsman

Reflections on a High School Graduate and the Journey Ahead

Adorned in cap and gown, the small blonde kid we’ve grown into a man walks across the stage and into the next steps towards adulthood next week. He will toss his cap in the air and officially be a high school graduate. One long chapter filled with lessons, tests, homework, and school projects on giant […]

Congratulations, it’s a high needs baby!

My daughter, Sophia, was a “good” baby. I didn’t think so at the time. I remember feeling tired and overwhelmed. She struggled to latch on and breastfeeding was a constant challenge. My hormones were crazy and I felt the “baby blues” pretty badly for the first two or three weeks of her life. I remember […]

The Top 5 Reasons Why Being Pregnant Can Be Super Awkward

Let me start by saying I am SO thankful to be pregnant with my second child. I’m in my 3rd trimester of what has been a very healthy and mostly uneventful pregnancy. Every time I get to see my baby boy’s sonogram picture or hear his heartbeat, I feel overwhelmed with joy, relief, and appreciation, […]

You Can’t Sit With Us – Raising a Daughter in a World of Mean Girls

Little girls… made up of sugar and spice and everything nice. Thank heaven for ’em, am I right? If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’re a mom. In which case, there is about a 50/50 chance you are the proud mommy of a beautiful little girl. She is the light of your life, […]

Exclusive Pumping – An Alternative Breastfeeding Journey

During my first pregnancy, I read, researched, and took classes about parenting and babies to make sure I was prepared for my newborn. One undisputed recommendation from all sources was that breastfeeding is the most beneficial source of nutrition for your baby. During my pregnancy, I took a breastfeeding class with my husband. We wanted […]

Things Only Moms of Skinny Babies Understand

I know this might come as a shock to some, but not all babies have cute, chubby rolls that are just asking to be pinched. In fact, my 14-month-old son has never had a baby roll. Not one. Not at birth, not at six months, not now, not ever. He’s been a lean, energy machine since the […]

Behavior Bites Series #2: Routines, Rituals, and Development

behaviorbites2BEHAVIOR BITES SERIES #2: Routines, Rituals, and Development   ROUTINES Every morning I start off doing the same thing: wake up, bathroom, coffee, get dressed, breakfast, get boys ready and fed, and walk out the door. This is planned and expected. We each have our own routines of how we do things throughout the day. […]

Behavior Bites Series: #1 Be EXPLICIT with your children

The dreaded shopping cart. This cart always brings me back to a few years ago when my oldest son would flat out refuse to get into it. Not only did he refuse, but he would scream as loud as he could and tantrum right in front of the store while everyone watched me swoop him […]

Hello, My Name is …Mom?

I am not the most “kid friendly” type of person; I am an only child who never even had the slightest desire to babysit. Most of my New York City friends are over thirty, but, very few of them have popped out a kid from their loins. We’re just a different type of girl, I guess. Weekends […]

Let’s All Please Stop the Baby Name Judgment Game

This is a piece that could be written every year;  the TBMB editors could drag it out or link to it or name check yearly because here is the reality of life, folks: celebrity moms and dads will always name their kids “weird” names. Not all celebs, of course, but many. And as the celeb […]