Tag Archives: pregnancy

Coping With Gestational Diabetes: What To Expect and How To Deal

If you’re pregnant, or have been pregnant, you know all about that dreaded glucose test. Gulping down that sugary drink and having your blood drawn may not sound appealing, but it is an important screening test to find out if you have gestational diabetes. Bottoms up! I was 31 weeks pregnant with my son when […]

Coping With Gestational Diabetes: What To Expect and How To Deal

If you’re pregnant, or have been pregnant, you know all about that dreaded glucose test. Gulping down that sugary drink and having your blood drawn may not sound appealing, but it is an important screening test to find out if you have gestational diabetes. Bottoms up! I was 31 weeks pregnant with my son when […]

Nonprofit Spotlight: Community Roots Collective – Empowering Families in Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay Moms Blog will be spotlighting one local nonprofit each month. Our goal is to bring awareness to our readers with nonprofit organizations that are making an impact in Tampa Bay through their connection and work in the community. Community Roots Collective: Empowering families and helping them grow through education, resources, and love. What […]

Postpartum Care: No, You Don’t Need to “Bounce Back” After Childbirth

Ten days after my second child was born, I was sure my body had just about fully healed from childbirth. I felt like I was bouncing back. Caring for two kids was going pretty well. I was even keeping up with dishes and laundry. Postpartum rest never even crossed my mind. My husband helped with our […]

The Top 5 Reasons Why Being Pregnant Can Be Super Awkward

Let me start by saying I am SO thankful to be pregnant with my second child. I’m in my 3rd trimester of what has been a very healthy and mostly uneventful pregnancy. Every time I get to see my baby boy’s sonogram picture or hear his heartbeat, I feel overwhelmed with joy, relief, and appreciation, […]

Hello, My Name is …Mom?

I am not the most “kid friendly” type of person; I am an only child who never even had the slightest desire to babysit. Most of my New York City friends are over thirty, but, very few of them have popped out a kid from their loins. We’re just a different type of girl, I guess. Weekends […]

Birth Story: Labor and Delivery: Not as scary as it sounds

Call me a weirdo, but I love labor! I don’t enjoy being pregnant at all (and pregnancy doesn’t agree with me either. You can read about that here). But there’s something exciting about the labor experience. Whether it’s due to all the hormones or the excitement of meeting your little one, my two labor experiences have […]