Category Archives: Ages + Stages

6 Things I Wish I Someone Told Me Before I Became a Mom

Nothing can prepare you for motherhood. Each mother is different and each baby is different, so there can’t possibly be a manual for motherhood. However, there are a few things I wish someone had told me before I entered this wild, wonderful, beautiful world of motherhood. A sort of list to prepare me for the […]

My Baby Has a Boyfriend: Your Child’s First Crush

Kindergartener: “Mama, I have a boyfriend.” Me: “Who is it?” Kindergartener: “Bryce.” Me: “How do you know he is your boyfriend?” Kindergartener: “He kissed me on the cheek.” Me: (Raised eyebrows)“No more kisses at school. Got it?” Valentine’s Day card exchanges at school spark conversations about lovey-dovey stuff. While I remember my childhood crush on […]

Anyone Scared to Raise a Young Girl These Days?

Mom raising daughterI sure am. Between the mid-90’s mean girl persona and today’s VSCO girl, I am scared to raise a young girl. While only 5, it already feels like she’s 5 going on 15. Part of me wants to believe it’s somehow “different today”. But I know darn well that mean girls, self-esteem issues and […]

5 Incredible Ways That Birthing Women Inspire Me

There are many reasons that I became a doula. I loved my birth experiences and the magic of bringing my babies into the world. You could say I became a bit of a birth junkie after having them. It took me a little time to become a doula because of how intimidating the on-call life […]

Should Halloween ALWAYS be on Saturday? The Great Pumpkin Debate!

Many of us know the struggle that comes when October 31 falls on a weekday, as it does this year. We rush out of work, road-raging our way through the congested streets of Tampa Bay, to get home to our young children. We quickly throw food on their plates, get them in their Halloween costumes […]

Two Mothers Love For A Baby Boy: My Birth Story

To say that our path to motherhood took a long time would be an understatement. My wife and I watched everyone else’s kids grow up. We experienced a deeply painful and personal struggle that we did not discuss with many people. I was so used to being disappointed with the process of conception that I […]

7 Common Things New Moms Hear and How to Respond

I was having a conversation with a couple of brand new mamas recently. We were talking about the things people say that even though they mean well (at least most of the time) drive us absolutely batty as new mothers. There were a couple zingers that each of us could totally resonate with, and we […]

How to do Summer Travel with Kids: The 5 Best Things to Bring Along

Summer is here and that can mean summer travel with kids! So, most of us will be doing a little traveling at some point. So about summer travel with kids….Here is a rundown of the top tools (in no particular order) for keeping children happy and occupied when on the move from a travel-experienced mom. […]

Why You Need to Spend Baby’s First Birthday Abroad

Why opt for the traditional first birthday at home when you can take your baby on a memorable trip abroad? If that idea scares you, fear not. First of all, every trip you take has its own challenges and stresses. Make peace with that and your baby’s first (and so on) birthday trip abroad is […]

5 Tips For Surviving Motherhood When You Live Far From Family

As the mom of two elementary-age kids born 16 months apart, I’ve had a decent amount of parenting challenges. My husband and I are transplants to Tampa, so one of the most challenging things has been living far from family. Thru my experience, the following are helpful tips for surviving motherhood when you live far […]