Category Archives: Ages + Stages

Why I’m (Considering) Not Throwing My Daughter a First Birthday Party

I’m still considering if I should write this post, do I really not want to throw her a first birthday party? In between diapers, voice experimenting screams and milking on demand, no, I don’t want to plan a birthday party for a baby that won’t remember anything. I know the party is more for the adults, but I feel like […]

Postpartum Care: No, You Don’t Need to “Bounce Back” After Childbirth

Ten days after my second child was born, I was sure my body had just about fully healed from childbirth. I felt like I was bouncing back. Caring for two kids was going pretty well. I was even keeping up with dishes and laundry. Postpartum rest never even crossed my mind. My husband helped with our […]

Florida Aquarium – Fun for the Littlest Explorer

As a still new mom to a 16 month old, my husband and I often find ourselves wondering how to spend a Saturday afternoon. Where can we take our daughter to get her out of the house, stimulated, and having fun? She’s still too young for many places, but now that she’s walking, more options […]

First Birthday Party Lessons

Probably like most new moms, I went into my daughter’s first birthday party wide-eyed and excited (with a tinge of sadness that my baby is growing up so quickly). As a busy working mom without a lot of free time, I tried to keep it simple. Although not residents, we were able to reserve the clubhouse at The […]

My First Born – Blizzard Baby

Five years ago, I was living in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia. I was due with my first child on February 17. I was so happy to be pregnant during the wintertime because I definitely couldn’t handle being this pregnant during the hot summer months. As I entered February and my last month of pregnancy, […]

How a Trip to the Bathroom Lead to my Son Getting Lost

It was a weekday morning right after the mall had re-opened earlier this summer. We had spent a ridiculously long time in a store, first waiting to get in and then waiting to return something. My kids were antsy. Rightfully so. We had just gotten a snack when my son announced that he had to […]

Why It’s Important To Celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week

In August 2011, the United States Breastfeeding Committee officially declared August as National Breastfeeding Month. The last week of the month marks Black Breastfeeding Week to increase awareness about the experiences of Black women and their families. Black Breastfeeding Week isn’t about separation but bringing awareness to generations of people who have been negatively impacted by systemic […]

Cursing and Kids: WHAT Did You Just Say?

One evening during quarantine, my family was sitting around the dining room table after dinner playing a game of UNO. Wholesome, right? That’s when my 8-year-old daughter leaned forward to pick a card, rolled her eyes, and as casually as you could ever imagine said, “darn yellow”. Except she didn’t say “darn”. My husband and […]

Quarantine Life at Home with Kids Let Me Look at My Kids Again

Who would have ever predicted that we would be cooped up in our homes for as long as we have been? This Coronavirus has really thrown so many lives against the wall, financially and emotionally. Some have even lost loved ones. It will be something that we will never forget and in some ways, I […]