Category Archives: Birthdays

Things People With December Birthdays Are Tired of Hearing

Yes, there are OTHER things happening in December aside from the holidays. Birthdays, for example, also happen this time of year. Here are a few things we “December Birthdays” would like everyone to know: 1. Sorry about the Christmas wrapping paper. I didn’t have anything else. Huh? I have Christmas paper in July, but I’m not going to […]

Dealing with a Summer Birthday

Confession time: I’ve always resented people with birthdays during the school year. My birthday is mid-June. As a kid, my family traveled to California by car from Orlando every summer (the story of which should be its own blog entry . . . or book) and we made lots of stops to see family along the […]

Candy Alternatives: Last Minute Basket Stuffers for the Last Minute Mom

No matter how early I start browsing holiday décor or making mental gift lists, I still find myself zipping around the local drug store last minute scavenging for odds and ends to stuff in baskets or stick under the tree. As the saying goes, “Why put off ’til tomorrow what you can do today?” Well, […]

5 Unique Birthday Ideas for Grown Ups

Who says kids get to have all the fun? When you’re little, birthdays are just about the best thing ever. You get an entire day devoted to having friends and family shamelessly lavish their attention on you. Add to that the promise of cake and presents and you’ve got the perfect setup for fun and […]

Why I’m (Considering) Not Throwing My Daughter a First Birthday Party

I’m still considering if I should write this post, do I really not want to throw her a first birthday party? In between diapers, voice experimenting screams and milking on demand, no, I don’t want to plan a birthday party for a baby that won’t remember anything. I know the party is more for the adults, but I feel like […]

First Birthday Party Lessons

Probably like most new moms, I went into my daughter’s first birthday party wide-eyed and excited (with a tinge of sadness that my baby is growing up so quickly). As a busy working mom without a lot of free time, I tried to keep it simple. Although not residents, we were able to reserve the clubhouse at The […]

Birthday Party Etiquette

With school starting back in just a few more days, it’s time for those birthday party invites to start coming home with your kids again.  Say goodbye to your Saturdays because they now belong to your children.  Instead of dreading birthday parties, let’s see if we can’t shed some light on some birthday party etiquette […]